drive-thrus are for lazy people.

Living my healthiest and most holistic life, without a drive-thru !

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Vega One Product Review

A product that I can’t get enough of and fully support is the topic for this post.

I’ve been meaning to write up a post about Vega Plant-Based Nutrition for quite some time now, but my writers block has been getting the best of me (does this happen to all bloggers?)

Over the past 6 months, I’ve been playing around with my diet to try and find what works best for my body. Whether it be an omnivore type diet, vegetarian, vegan – I was open to experimentation, and still am. I naturally have moved away from eating all meats (except for the occasional free-range/organic/antibiotic free bit). I’ve also started to shy away from much dairy, unless it’s all natural as well. I do feel strongly about these choices, but take into account that I live in a society that eats anything and everything. I am only human, and it’s useless to pick a title for my dietary habits because they are always changing. I may not fall under the label of veg/vegan etc. but I do now call myself an informed consumer who makes a conscious effort to know what’s going in to my body.

Ever since I’ve made these changes in my diet, I’ve noticed a few things…

  • Ensuring that I have enough protein in a day can be HARD (especially when avoiding meat/dairy and teaching exercise classes 2x/day)
  • I don’t miss meat, at all…
  • Dairy + Sugar upsets my stomach
  • I feel my best when I eat a fruit and vegetable based diet
  • I am not bloated/cramped/gassy when I eat clean/raw foods

And much more, but those are a few that came to mind.

Without diving too far into my personal eating habits today, I’m really here to express my thankfulness for a 100% natural plant-based protein powder called Vega.

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They have so graciously sent me a whole whack of their new (and old) products, and I am happy to endorse them because I use these products myself in everyday, busy/crazy/chaotic  life.

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(I am not being compensated to write this post – all opinions are my own from personal experiences)

What I love about their products is that they have abseloutly nothing to hide. No fillers, no chemicals, no artificial colours or flavours. These products are built for the athlete, but usable by ANYONE. One scoop of their Nutritional Shake provides you with 50% of your daily vitamins and minerals (covering MANY key nutrients that you may otherwise be lacking through your diet), and their products can help you achieve the energy levels necessary for optimal sports performance (or even just for feeling better in your every day life)

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That being said, as a student studying Holistic Nutrition – I always look to FOOD as my first source of daily nutrients. Again though, I am only human and often lack the time to whip up the type of nutrient rich meals that I need to teach a high energy spin class. These shakes are especially good to me at 6a.m. when I can barely even think about cooking breakkie. So, shake it is…

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(Pictured above: Vega One All-in-one Nutritional Shake in Berry flavour)

A scoop of this stuff offers you…

  1. 15 grams of protein (the same as 2.7 eggs)
  2. 1.5 grams of Omega-3 (same as 2.3 servings of salmon)
  3. 1 billion Probiotics (same as 1 cup of yogurt)
  4. 6 grams of Fiber
  5. 3 servings of Greens (same as 3 servings of veggies)
  6. 2.7 cups of Antioxidants (same as 2.7 cups of blueberries)
  7. 50% of your recommended daily intake of Vitamins & Minerals

Not bad, huh?

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All kinds that I have tried have tasted great. I normally don’t like ‘fake’ flavours, so I was hesitant to try these ones – but the natural flavoring is bang-on. Not to sweet, just subtle enough to be enjoyed.

Call me boring though, I  still like the ‘Natural’ Nutritional Shake the best. The rich yet mild taste goes perfectly into a banana + kale smoothie.


Protein powders are not for everyone, so do your research before you go drop $ on a tub of this.

Those of you with soy/gluten/dairy/sugar allergies – not to worry… Vega One is free of all of them. You’re good to go!

Other goodies that you should try from VEGA!…blog 069

Sacha Inchi Seeds.

Never heard of them? Well listen up!

These bad boys are the richest plant-based source of Omega-3’s on the planet! What a perfect healthy indulgence. They come in Karmalized, Natural or Choc-o-lot flavours.

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Vibrancy Bars.

A combo of raw and sprouted ingredients and 180 calories, these make a great on the go snack. In fact, I chowed down on Chocolate Decadence one today after my workout.

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Maca Chocolate.

Eat it sparingly, and enjoy it. Yes, there are health benefits to eating this organic chocolate bar.

Maca is a root plant native to the Andean mountains which has a whole lotta benefits which I won’t even try to explain better than Vega does, right here.

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Truth be told, I could write a whole lot more – but I know you’ve heard enough for one blog post!

If you have any questions, you can always send me an e-mail or respond to this post in the ‘comments’ section =) I love hearing from you guys.

If you’re interested in Vega products, check out their website

In addition, you can explore Brendan Braziers (the creative mind behind Vega) ‘Thrive Forward” program which introduces you to plant-based eating, and cleaning up your diet. Heck, even if you’re not interested in the program it’s still a pretty website with some fabulous recipes.

Have you tried Vega products? Which are your favourite?

How do you like your Protein? Food sources or supplement sources?

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The many benefits of… TURMERIC

It’s a Turmeric kind of day !

This little spice (with BIG health benefits) seems to be popping up everywhere over the last 24 hours!


It made an appearance in my dinner last night/lunch today…

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(Not so photogenic food – Moroccan Spiced Veggie & Rice Stew topped with Parsley Pesto)

And it also came up in class today, while learning about inflammation

If that’s not enough, I flipped on the T.V. this afternoon and go figure the guest-speaker was talking about the health benefits of Turmeric !

New info that I learned about Turmeric today is that it is one of the ONLY foods that influences EVERY SINGLE chemical involved in inflammation in the body. It is literally an inflammation SUPER FOOD.

You’ve likely had Turmeric in the past, but some of you may not even know what it tastes/looks like. It’s an orangey-yellow coloured spice that’s used in many curry dishes, making it a staple in a traditional Indian diet.

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….From plant… to useable spice!


Curcumin is the active and powerful anti-inflammatory ingredient in Turmeric, but it also contains a small amount of Iron, Dietary Fiber, and Vitamin B6! The benefits are endless!


Since INFLAMMATION is your bodies way of telling you that something is wrong (with signs such as redness, swelling, water retention, constipation) – you want to keep inflammation to a minimum – and one way to do this is through the consumption of anti-inflammatory foods/herbs/spices.

Ex. Turmeric, Ginger, Broccoli, Red Cabbage & Omega 3’s – and many more…

Not concerned about inflammation in yourself? Why not take a hands on and active approach and reduce inflammation before it starts!


Eat your Turmeric in many ways.

  1. Take 2 Tbsp. in warm water and drink it ‘straight up’
  2. Add it to your favourite recipe (stews, soups and casseroles are perfect for this)
  3. Make your own capsules of it, or buy it from the health foods store
  4. Add it to condiments such as mustard or salad dressing

Whatever way you choose, up your intake starting ASAP!